Artigos Científicos

Migration from plastic packaging into meat


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Remember that this plastic can contaminate dental implants too. 


Food Research International

Volume 109, July 2018, Pages 320-324

Food Research International


Authors:   Tatiane Melina Guerreiro

Diogo Noinde Oliveira

Carlos Fernando Odir RodriguesMelo

Estelade Oliveira Lima

Rodrigo RamosCatharino




Food contamination by packaging must be known to avoid consequences to health.

Contaminants' migration from packaging to meat was detected in real samples.

Mass spectrometry provided accurate and faster results, in a simpler workflow.



Migration is a known phenomenon defined as the partitioning of chemical compounds from the packaging into food, and depends on several factors. Migration assays are generally time-consuming and require specific conditions in order to investigate the behavior of the packaging in different situations. Furthermore, these tests are often performed with food simulants, since the determination of migration under real conditions is highly impaired. Several methodologies have been designed to carry out this study, but an ideal approach should be capable of assessing the migration of compounds in real samples, providing fast and reliable results. Within this context, mass spectrometry can be considered a suitable and versatile technique that shows great potential to accurately characterize several contaminants in food by migration. Thus, in this work we present a mass spectrometry-based application for the detection of several compounds from plastic, directly from vacuum-packed meat samples. This preliminary and simple workflow can be easily applied in routine analyses for either quality control purposes or in the prospection of other potential bioactive contaminants in food.