Artigos científicos

Nessa lista, separamos alguns artigos científicos relacionados a nossa temática. Boa Leitura.

Aluminum and vaccines: Current state of knowledge

The use of aluminum salts in vaccine adjuvants to enhance effectiveness is one of the major reasons for this lack of confidence. (04/01/2022)

Mitochondrial toxicity of aluminium nanoparticles in comparison to its ionic form on isolated rat brain mitochondria

The comparison of mitochondrial toxicity markers between both forms of aluminium revealed that the toxic effect on isolated brain mitochondria was substantially greater than that that caused by aluminium ions. (30/11/2021)

Microglial phagocytosis of polystyrene microplastics results in immune alteration and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo

Mouse study shows microplastics infiltrate blood brain barrier (27/11/2021)

Biodistribution and toxicity of spherical aluminum oxide nanoparticles

In mice, aluminum oxide accumulated the most 24 h after a single oral dose. The number of white blood cells decreased, increased the ratio of neutrophils and enhanced secretion of interleukin (IL)-8 were observed. (23/11/2021)

Occurrence of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polycarbonate Microplastics in Infant and Adult Feces

Microplastics: tiny plastic pieces less than 5 mm in size are every, from indoor dust to food to bottled water. (12/10/2021)

Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of Failed Dental Implants Associated with Odontogenic Maxillary Sinusitis

Note the table it is possible to say that the implant composed of titanium and zirconium interacted and migrated to the bone, another important finding is the aluminum that was seen in the apical region. (30/09/2021)

Innovative surfaces and alloys for dental implants: What about biointerface-safety concerns?

This review aimed to discuss the recent technologies employed for the development of dental implants, mainly regarding surface treatments and alternative alloys, emphasizing the bio-tribocorrosion processes. (24/08/2021)

Surgical clips metal allergy postlaparoscopic cholecystectomy

Surgical clips and staples are composed of a variation of different elements including titanium, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel, all of which can lead to type IV hypersensitivity reactions. (23/08/2021)

Aluminum Toxicity and Tolerance in Plants

The most easily recognized symptom of Aluminum toxicity is the inhibition of root growth, and this has become a widely accepted measure of aluminum stress in plants. (15/08/2021)