Veja essa Usinagem/ See this Machining
Perfeita usinagem, mas nem todo implante é assim.
Com o tempo de uso, as brocas dos tornos desgastam e precisam ser trocadas e isso impacta na qualidade da usinagem do implante.
Para saber se a usinagem está adequada é preciso fazer testes e nem toda empresa faz testes regularmente.
Existem empresas que se preocupam mais com a qualidade, limpeza e embalagem do que outras.
Perfect machining, but not every implant is like this.
Over time, the lathe drills wear out and need to be replaced, which impacts the quality of the implant's machining.
To know if the machining is adequate, tests need to be carried out, and not every company carries out tests regularly.
Remember that a clean implant does not touch plastic.
There are companies that care more about quality, cleanliness and packaging than others.
This is the kind of information that needs to be disclosed, don't you think?
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