Artigos Científicos

Aluminum and vaccines: Current state of knowledge



J-P Goullé 1L Grangeot-Keros 2

PMID: 31611133 

DOI: 10.1016/j.medmal.2019.09.012

2020 Feb;50(1):16-21.  doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2019.09.012. Epub 2019 Oct 11.



The use of aluminum salts in vaccine adjuvants to increase efficacy is one of the main reasons for this lack of confidence in vaccine constituents.

The direct toxicity of aluminum is often put forward.

Direct toxicity of aluminum has long been known-especially with occupational exposure-to be associated with characteristic clinical manifestations and increased blood aluminum level.

Intoxication related to the excessive amount of an element in the body, whether be it lead poisoning following exposure to lead or mercury poisoning for instance, is always associated with metal increase in biological media. 

Aluminum levels in biological media of vaccinated subjects are not different from those of unvaccinated subjects.

This is consistent with the very amount of aluminum contained in one dose of vaccine.

Indirect toxicity of aluminum was suggested to explain macrophagic myofasciitis in humans in 2011, a disease that could be mediated by an autoimmune/autoinflammatory mechanism. 


Note: Despite the small amount, some vacines has aluminum, this element is neurotoxic and has an bioaccumulative effect.