Artigos científicos

Nessa lista, separamos alguns artigos científicos relacionados a nossa temática. Boa Leitura.

Genotoxicity of aluminium oxide, iron oxide, and copper nanoparticles in mouse bone marrow cells

Our findings add to the health risk information of Al2O3 nanoparticles regarding human exposure. Nossas descobertas adicionam informações de risco à saúde das nanopartículas de Al2O3 em relação à exposição humana. (18/10/2022)

Acute Toxic and Genotoxic Effects of Aluminum and Manganese Using In Vitro Models

The genotoxic effects of the highest concentrations of Aluminum in cell lines showed nuclear buds, micronuclei, and DNA damage. In addition, it caused genomic instability in cell lines. (27/09/2022)

Impurities in commercial titanium dental implants– A mass and optical emission spectrometryelemental analysis

Although all investigated Ti dental implants conform to the respective standards and manufacturer´s specifications, all contain traceable contamination with several metal elements. (06/09/2022)

Aluminum impairs cognitive function by activating DDX3X-NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis signaling pathway

Aluminum is a kind of chemical contaminants in food which can induce neurotoxicity. Aluminum exposure is closely related to neurodegenerative diseases (ND), in which neuroinflammation might involve. (23/08/2022)

Ion release and local effects of titanium metal particles from dental implants: An experimental study in rats

The concentration of Ti increased in the liver, spleen, and brain, as the concentration of vanadium ions in the brain and aluminum in spleen. (grade 5 implant) (16/08/2022)

Tissue distribution following 28 day repeated oral administration of aluminum-based nanoparticles with different properties and the in vitro toxicity

Dose‐related increase in the tissue Al level following repeated administration of Al‐NPs were observed in the kidney, spleen and blood. Al level in the heart, kidney, spleen and blood was significantly increased. (09/08/2022)

AlCl 3 exposure regulates neuronal development by modulating DNA modification

Aluminum altered the differentiation of adult neural stem cells and caused apoptosis of newborn neurons while having no significant effects on the proliferation of neural stem cells. (26/07/2022)

Aluminium utensils: Is it a concern?

0.01 %-1 % of orally ingested aluminium is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is eliminated by the kidney. The metal has a tendency to accumulate in tissues and may result in their dysfunction. (21/06/2022)

Analysis of Carcinogenic Heavy Metals in Gallstones and its Role in Gallbladder Carcinogenesis

Presence of significantly higher amount of mercury, lead, cobalt, and cadmium in gallstones may play a pivotal role as risk factors in the development of gallbladder malignancy or pre-malignancy. Note also aluminum. (14/06/2022)